Guest Podcast

#17 Film Studies Bling Bling | Interdisciplinary and editorial work

20. Mai 2021

Filmstudies Bling Bling Episode 14

Host: Anna Luise Kiss | Podcast subject: Filmstudies | Language: Englisch/Deutsch | Lizenz: CC

//////////// English ////////////

In this episode, you can experience Dr. Carley M. Shinault and Dr. Brian C. Johnson. They give an insight in their planned book „Afterbirth of a Nation: Urban Critical Pedagogy and Ghetto-centric Film Since Boyz n the Hood.“ The call for chapters for the planned publication is currently open, so Dr. Shinault and Dr. Johnson encourage listeners to submit an abstract. Furthermore, they reflect on interdisciplinary and editorial work.(00:01:47–00:26:55) The call for chapters: https://networks.h-net.org/node/14467/discussions/4171292/call-chapters-afterbirth-nation-afterbirth-nation-urban-critical

In the News Chapter, Sebastian Stielke speaks about his recently published book „100 Facts about Babelsberg.“ Chronologically it leads through the history of the film and media location Babelsberg and offers numerous glimpses behind the scenes. (00:26:55–00:50:48) https://100factsabout-babelsberg.de

In the Dear Diary Chapter, Dr. Anna Luise Kiss talks about the reasons for the increase in personnel in the research project „The Cinematic Face of Cities.“ And she reports on what the team is working on at the moment. (00:50:48–00:55:07)

//////////// Deutsch ////////////

In dieser Folge sind Dr. Carley M. Shinault und Dr. Brian C. Johnson zu erleben. Sie geben einen Einblick in ihr geplantes Buch “Afterbirth of a Nation: Urban Critical Pedagogy and Ghetto-centric Film Since Boyz n the Hood”. Der Call for Chapters für die geplante Publikation ist aktuell noch offen, weshalb Dr. Shinault und Dr. Johnson die Zuhörer:innen ermutigen, ein Abstract einzureichen. Außerdem reflektieren sie über interdisziplinäre und editorische Arbeit. (00:01:47–00:26:55) Call for Chapters: https://networks.h-net.org/node/14467/discussions/4171292/call-chapters-afterbirth-nation-afterbirth-nation-urban-critical

Im „News Chapter“ spricht Sebastian Stielke über sein kürzlich erschienenes Buch „100 Facts about Babelsberg“. Chronologisch führt es durch die Geschichte des Film- und Medienstandortes Babelsberg und bietet zahlreiche Blicke hinter die Kulissen. (00:26:55–00:50:48) https://100factsabout-babelsberg.de

Im „Dear Diary“ berichtet Dr. Anna Luise Kiss über die Gründe für die personelle Aufstockung im Forschungsteam von „Das filmische Gesicht der Städte“. Und sie berichtet, woran das Team gerade arbeitet. (00:50:48–00:55:07)

The filmstudies podcast „Film Studies bling-bling“

„Film Studies bling-bling“ is about hidden and well-known treasures, big and small diamonds from Film Studies.
In each episode, we have a „Bling of the month“; scholars from Film Studies who are interviewed about their research. In the news section, you hear from current research projects or book publications, or whatever struck my way strolling around in the Film Studie’s universe.

The „Film Studies bling-bling“ Podcast is a Podcast from Dr. Anna Luise Kiss which was produced in the Filmuniversity Konrad Wolf. To keep this podcast visible for you we decided to add it to the Indiefilmtalk Catalogue in consultation with the podcast-creators.


Website Dr. Anna Luise Kiss – LINK

Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf – LINK

Projectsite „Die filmische Straßenlandschaft in Potsdam“ – LINK

126 | Filmwissenschaft: Mehr als nur Theorie – LINK

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19. Dezember 2024
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